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2020-09-03 15:41:55 +02:00
package nl.voidcorp.ottobot.commands.roles
import nl.voidcorp.ottobot.command.*
object AddRoleCommand : Command(
usage = "addrole rolename:id [rolename:id...]",
commandLevel = CommandLevel.MODERATOR,
location = CommandSource.GUILD,
group = CommandGroup.ADMIN
) {
val regex = "([\\w\\d-_+]+):(?:<@&!?)?(\\d+)>?".toRegex()
override fun handle(event: CommandMessage): CommandResult {
if (event.params.drop(1).isEmpty()) return CommandResult.PARAMETERS
val guild = getStore(event.guild!!.idLong)
val l = mutableListOf<String>()
for (p in event.params.drop(1)) {
val res = regex.matchEntire(p)
if (res != null && res.groupValues.size == 3) {
when {
res.groupValues[1].length > 200 -> event.reply("Please use a shorter role name in the future (200 char max)")
guild.roleMap.containsKey(res.groupValues[1]) ->
"A role with the key `${res.groupValues[1]
}` is already mapped, if you want to remap it use `${guild.prefix}removerole ${res.groupValues[1]}` first..."
event.guild.getRoleById(res.groupValues[2]) != null -> {
guild.roleMap[res.groupValues[1]] = res.groupValues[2].toLong()
l += res.groupValues[1]
else -> event.reply("There is no role with id `${res.groupValues[2]}`")
if (l.isNotEmpty())
event.reply(l.joinToString(prefix = "Added the following groups: ") { "`$it`" })
return CommandResult.SUCCESS