package nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands import nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands import fun initAdmin() { commands += SetPrefix commands += ListPrefixes commands += RemovePrefix } object SetPrefix : UnityCommand( "setprefix", "Sets the prefix for this command", AdminCategory, howTo = "!setprefix prefix", exec = { ce -> ce.guild.settings().prefixes += ce.args ce.reply("This servers prefix is now set to ${ce.args}, but you can still use ${ce.selfMember.asMention} to reset it!") }) object ListPrefixes : UnityCommand("listprefixes", "Lists all server prefixes", AdminCategory, exec = { ce -> ce.reply("This servers prefixes are: ${ce.guild.settings().prefixes.ifEmpty { listOf("!") }.joinToString { "`$it`" }}") }) object RemovePrefix : UnityCommand("removeprefix", "Removes a prefix", AdminCategory, exec = { ce -> val res = ce.guild.settings().prefixes.removeIf { it == ce.args } if (res) { ce.reply("Remove the prefix `${ce.args}`") } else { ce.reply("`${ce.args}` is not a known prefix?") } }) object UnknownCommandError : Exception("yeet!")