package import khttp.get import net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder import nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands import nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands.MusicCategory import nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands.UnityCommand import java.time.LocalDateTime val lyricsCommand = UnityCommand("lyrics", "Search for lyrics!", MusicCategory) { ce -> val song = if (!ce.hasArgs) { val scheduler = guildMusicMap[ce.guild.idLong] if ((scheduler != null) && scheduler.voiceChannel.members.contains(ce.member)) { val info = println( println(info.title) findInfo(info.title) } else { ce.reply("Please either provide a search term or play a song using the bot!") return@UnityCommand } } else { findInfo(ce.args) } if (song != null) { val text = findText(song) if (text.isBlank()) { ce.reply("Sorry, couldn't find any lyrics for this song...") } else { val eb = EmbedBuilder().setTimestamp( .setFooter("Requested by ${ce.member.effectiveName}", ce.member.user.effectiveAvatarUrl) .setColor(ce.selfMember.color) eb.setTitle("Lyrics for ${song.artist} - ${song.title}") eb.setDescription(text) ce.reply( } } else { ce.reply("Sorry, couldn't find any lyrics for this song...") } } fun musicExtra() { commands.add(lyricsCommand) } data class Song(val artist: String, val title: String) fun findInfo(search: String): Song? { val res = khttp.get( "${search.replace(" ", "%20")}", headers = mapOf("Authorization" to "Bearer eqn-1xrvrAKtoIFC-pIgNiW7cRzSvaF49wjFzasEu7coSLpufVVnv_IGVnxUIT43") ) val hits = res.jsonObject.getJSONObject("response").getJSONArray("hits")!! return if (hits.length() == 0) { null } else { val hit = hits.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("result")!! println(hit) Song(hit.getJSONObject("primary_artist").getString("name"), hit.getString("title")) } } fun findText(song: Song): String { val res = get( "${song.artist}/${song.title.replace( " ", "%20" )}?apikey=8pLAxkCnWJNGWRaoPcbCFpUAKdKD77zmlcjs2FKYjdH00MDyNr6lXLHb3PQZsKJI" ) return if (res.jsonObject.isNull("error")) { res.jsonObject.getJSONObject("result").getJSONObject("track").getString("text") } else { "" } }