package nl.voidcorp.dbot.commands import com.github.salomonbrys.kotson.fromJson import net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder import net.dv8tion.jda.core.OnlineStatus import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.ChannelType import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Game import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild import import import net.dv8tion.jda.core.hooks.ListenerAdapter import import nl.voidcorp.dbot.gson import nl.voidcorp.dbot.log import import import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.OffsetDateTime import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor import kotlin.concurrent.fixedRateTimer import kotlin.math.absoluteValue val gmap = mutableMapOf() object GSM { private val f = File("settings.json") private var lastHC = -1 fun getSettings(it: Guild): GuildSettings { val res = gmap[it.idLong] return if (res != null) { res } else { val gm = GuildSettings() gmap[it.idLong] = gm gm } } fun init() { if (f.exists()) { try { val m = gson.fromJson>(f.readText()) gmap.putAll(m) } catch (ex: IllegalStateException) { } } fixedRateTimer("FileSaveThing", period = 1000 * 30) { if (lastHC != gmap.hashCode()) { lastHC = gmap.hashCode() val br = f.bufferedWriter() gson.toJson(gmap, br) br.close() } } } fun shutdown() { gson.toJson(gmap, f.bufferedWriter()) } } data class UnityCommandClient( private val prefix: String, private val commands: MutableList = mutableListOf() ) : ListenerAdapter() { private val cooldownMap = mutableMapOf() fun applyCooldown(name: String, seconds: Int) { cooldownMap[name] = } fun getRemainingCooldown(name: String): Int { val cd = cooldownMap[name] return if (cd == null) { 0 } else { ( - cd.second).absoluteValue } } fun isOnCooldown(name: String): Boolean { val cooldown: Boolean? =[name] ?: LocalDateTime.MIN) return cooldown ?: false } fun cleanCooldowns() { for ((k, v) in cooldownMap) { if (v.isBefore( { cooldownMap.remove(k) } } } fun getError(): String = "❌" fun getServerInvite(): String { return "" } private val ses = ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(8) fun getScheduleExecutor(): ScheduledExecutorService = ses fun getWarning(): String = "⚠️" fun addCommand(command: UnityCommand) { commands.add(command) } fun addCommand(command: UnityCommand, index: Int) { commands.add(index, command) } fun addCommands(commands: List) { for (c in commands) { addCommand(c) } } private fun getSettings(guild: Guild): GuildSettings = GSM.getSettings(guild) private val start = fun getStartTime(): OffsetDateTime = start fun getSuccess(): String = "✔️" private val usageMap = mutableMapOf() private operator fun T) { val res = this[t] if (res != null) { this[t] = res + 1 } else { this[t] = 1 } } fun getCommandUses(name: String): Int = usageMap[name] ?: 0 fun shutdown() { ses.shutdown() GSM.shutdown() } fun usesLinkedDeletion(): Boolean = false fun getTextualPrefix(): String = prefix fun getTotalGuilds(): Int = bot.guilds.size val ownerId = "168743656738521088" fun getOwnerIdLong(): Long = ownerId.toLong() private fun splitOnPrefixLength(rawContent: String, length: Int): CommandString { val m = rawContent.substring(length).trim { it <= ' ' }.split("\\s+".toRegex(), 2) val cmds = if (m.size == 2) { CommandString(m[0], m[1]) } else { CommandString(m[0]) } return cmds } var unknownCommandHandler: (MessageReceivedEvent, String?) -> Unit = { event, command -> val eb = EmbedBuilder().setTitle("Something went wrong...") .addField("Unknown command: `$command`", "I don't know this command...", false) .setColor(event.guild.selfMember.color) .setFooter("Requested by ${event.member.effectiveName}", .setTimestamp( event.textChannel.sendMessage( } override fun onMessageReceived(event: MessageReceivedEvent) { if ( return var commandString: CommandString? = null val rawContent = event.message.contentRaw val settings = getSettings(event.guild) //Check for mention if (rawContent.startsWith("<@" + + ">") || rawContent.startsWith("<@!" + + ">")) { commandString = splitOnPrefixLength(rawContent, rawContent.indexOf(">") + 1) } //check for default prefix if not overridden if (rawContent.startsWith(prefix) and settings.prefixes.isEmpty()) commandString = splitOnPrefixLength(rawContent, prefix.length) // Check for guild specific prefixes if (commandString == null) { val prefixes = settings.getPrefixes() for (prefix in prefixes) { if (commandString == null && rawContent.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) commandString = splitOnPrefixLength(rawContent, prefix.length) } } if (commandString != null) //starts with valid prefix { if (( == ChannelType.PRIVATE) or event.textChannel.canTalk()) { var command: UnityCommand?// this will be null if it's not a command command = commands.firstOrNull { == commandString.command } if (command == null) { command = commands.firstOrNull { commandString.command in it.aliases } } if (command != null) { val cevent = UnityCommandEvent(event, commandString.args, this) /*if (cmdListener != null) cmdListener!!.onCommand(cevent, command)*/ usageMap + try { } catch (ex: UnknownCommandError) { unknownCommandHandler(event, commandString.command) } return // Command is done } else { unknownCommandHandler(event, commandString.command) } } } } fun onException(t: Throwable) { t.printStackTrace() /*val voiceChannel = bot.getPrivateChannelById("501009066479452170") voiceChannel.sendMessage("There was an error: ${t.message}").queue()*/ } private val status = OnlineStatus.ONLINE var version = "?.?" set(value) { game = Game.watching("fraud and \uD83C\uDFB5 (v$value)") } private var game: Game = Game.watching("fraud and \uD83C\uDFB5 (v$version)") override fun onReady(event: ReadyEvent) { if (!event.jda.selfUser.isBot) { log.error("This bot can't run as a client!") return } event.jda.presence.setPresence( status, game ) // Start SettingsManager if necessary GSM.init() } }