Add better howto's to commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
.setColor(event.selfMember.color).setFooter("Requested by ${event.member.effectiveName}",
if (cmd.aliases.isNotEmpty()) eb.addField("Aliases", cmd.aliases.joinToString { "`$it`" }, false)
eb.addField("Usage", "`!${cmd.howTo.emptyOr(}`", false)
event.args == "help" -> {
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ fun <E> List<E>.random(): E = this[random.nextInt(this.size)]
fun List<Command>.catMap(): Map<String, List<Command>> {
val m = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<Command>>()
for (c in this) {
val cname = if (c.category==null) "Unknown" else
val cname = if (c.category == null) "Unknown" else
if (!m.containsKey(cname)) {
m[cname] = mutableListOf()
m[cname]!! += c
return m
fun String.emptyOr(other: String): String = if (this.isEmpty()) other else this
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fun initMusic() {
val queueCommand = UnityMusicCommand("queue", aliases = *arrayOf("q"), help = "Use this command to queue a song, if you don't add a link it will search on youtube with the specified arguments\n\nExecute with no arguments to view the current queue!") { event, scheduler ->
val queueCommand = UnityMusicCommand("queue", aliases = *arrayOf("q"), help = "Use this command to queue a song, if you don't add a link it will search on youtube with the specified arguments\n\nExecute with no arguments to view the current queue!", howTo = "q [link]") { event, scheduler ->
if (event.args.isEmpty()) {
if (!guildMusicMap.containsKey(event.guild.idLong) || (guildMusicMap[event.guild.idLong]!!.player.playingTrack == null))
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ fun initMusic() {
val ytCommand = UnityMusicCommand("youtube", aliases = *arrayOf("yt"), help = "Search YouTube for a song!") { event, scheduler ->
val ytCommand = UnityMusicCommand("youtube", aliases = *arrayOf("yt"), help = "Search YouTube for a song!", howTo = "youtube <search term or link>") { event, scheduler ->
if (event.args.isEmpty()) {
event.reply("Please supply a song name or URL!")
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ fun initMusic() {
val soundcloudCommand = UnityMusicCommand("soundcloud", help = "Play a song via SoundCloud!", aliases = *arrayOf("sc")) { event, scheduler ->
val soundcloudCommand = UnityMusicCommand("soundcloud", help = "Play a song via SoundCloud!", aliases = *arrayOf("sc"), howTo = "sc <link or search term>") { event, scheduler ->
if (event.args.isEmpty()) {
event.reply("Please supply a song name or URL!")
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ fun initMusic() {
val playCommand = UnityMusicCommand("play", "Force this song to be the next!", aliases = *arrayOf("p")) { event, scheduler ->
val playCommand = UnityMusicCommand("play", "Force this song to be the next!", aliases = *arrayOf("p"), howTo = "play <url>") { event, scheduler ->
if (event.args.isEmpty()) {
event.reply("Please supply a song name or URL!")
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ val generalCategory = Command.Category("General commands") {
open class UnityCommand(name: String, help: String = "",
category: Category = generalCategory,
arguments: String = "", vararg aliases: String = arrayOf(), val exec: (event: CommandEvent) -> Unit) : Command() {
arguments: String = "", vararg aliases: String = arrayOf(), val howTo: String = "",
val exec: (event: CommandEvent) -> Unit) : Command() {
init {
|||| = name
|||| = help
@ -58,7 +59,9 @@ open class UnityCommand(name: String, help: String = "",
class UnityMusicCommand(name: String, help: String = "",
category: Category = musicCategory,
arguments: String = "", vararg aliases: String = arrayOf(name.first().toString()), val mExec: (event: CommandEvent, scheduler: TrackScheduler) -> Unit) : UnityCommand(name, help, category, arguments, *aliases, exec = {}) {
arguments: String = "", vararg aliases: String = arrayOf(name.first().toString()),
howTo: String = "",
val mExec: (event: CommandEvent, scheduler: TrackScheduler) -> Unit) : UnityCommand(name, help, category, arguments, *aliases, howTo = howTo, exec = {}) {
override fun execute(event: CommandEvent) {
val scheduler = if (guildMusicMap.containsKey(event.guild.idLong)) guildMusicMap[event.guild.idLong]!! else {
val channel = event.guild.voiceChannels.firstOrNull { it.members.contains(event.member) }
Reference in a new issue