
173 lines
5.1 KiB

use std::cmp::{max, Reverse};
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, BTreeMap, HashMap};
use crate::Day;
type Coordinate = (usize, usize);
type Graph<V, E> = BTreeMap<V, BTreeMap<V, E>>;
pub struct Day15(HashMap<Coordinate, u32>, usize, usize);
impl Day for Day15 {
fn init(content: String) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
let mut y_max = 0;
let mut x_max = 0;
for (y, line) in content.lines().enumerate() {
for (x, ch) in line.chars().enumerate() {
m.insert((x, y), ch.to_digit(10).ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Could not parse digit as number"))?);
x_max = max(x, x_max);
y_max = max(y, y_max);
Ok(Self(m, x_max, y_max))
fn part1(&self) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let g = map_to_graph(&self.0, (self.1, self.1));
let end = &(self.1, self.2);
let r = dijkstra(&g, &(0, 0), end).unwrap();
Ok(format!("{}", r.1))
fn part2(&self) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
let len = self.1 + 1;
for y in 0..len {
for x in 0..len {
let og = (x, y);
let orig_value = *self.0.get(&og).unwrap();
for ry in 0..5 {
for rx in 0..5 {
let coord = (rx * len + x, ry * len + y);
let e = m.entry(coord).or_insert(0);
*e = orig_value + rx as u32 + ry as u32;
if *e > 9 {
*e -= 9;
let target = (len * 5 - 1, len * 5 - 1);
let g = map_to_graph(&m, target);
let r = dijkstra(&g, &(0, 0), &target).unwrap();
Ok(format!("{}", r.1))
fn neighbours((x, y): Coordinate, (tx, ty): Coordinate) -> impl Iterator<Item=Coordinate> {
x.checked_sub(1).map(|r| (r, y)),
y.checked_sub(1).map(|c| (x, c)),
(x < tx).then(|| (x + 1, y)),
(y < ty).then(|| (x, y + 1)),
pub fn dijkstra(
graph: &Graph<Coordinate, u32>,
start: &Coordinate,
end: &Coordinate,
) -> Option<(Coordinate, u32)> {
let mut ans = BTreeMap::new();
let mut prio = BinaryHeap::new();
// start is the special case that doesn't have a predecessor
ans.insert(*start, None);
for (new, weight) in &graph[start] {
ans.insert(*new, Some((*start, *weight)));
prio.push(Reverse((*weight, new, start)));
while let Some(Reverse((dist_new, new, prev))) = prio.pop() {
match ans[new] {
// what we popped is what is in ans, we'll compute it
Some((p, d)) if p == *prev && d == dist_new => {}
// otherwise it's not interesting
_ => continue,
for (next, weight) in &graph[new] {
match ans.get(next) {
// if ans[next] is a lower dist than the alternative one, we do nothing
Some(Some((_, dist_next))) if dist_new + *weight >= *dist_next => {}
// if ans[next] is None then next is start and so the distance won't be changed, it won't be added again in prio
Some(None) => {}
// the new path is shorter, either new was not in ans or it was farther
_ => {
ans.insert(*next, Some((*new, *weight + dist_new)));
prio.push(Reverse((*weight + dist_new, next, new)));
fn add_edge(graph: &mut Graph<Coordinate, u32>, source: Coordinate, target: Coordinate, value: u32) {
graph.entry(source).or_insert_with(BTreeMap::new).insert(target, value);
fn map_to_graph(map: &HashMap<Coordinate, u32>, end: Coordinate) -> Graph<Coordinate, u32> {
let mut g = BTreeMap::new();
for y in 0..=end.1 {
for x in 0..=end.0 {
for neighbour in neighbours((x, y), end) {
add_edge(&mut g, (x, y), neighbour, *map.get(&neighbour).unwrap())
mod tests {
use crate::Day;
use crate::day15::Day15;
const INPUT: &str = r"1163751742
fn part1_test() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let d = Day15::init(INPUT.to_string())?;
assert_eq!("40", d.part1()?);
fn part2_test() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let d = Day15::init(INPUT.to_string())?;
assert_eq!("315", d.part2()?);
// Woo slow and i again don't feel like fixing it :p
// #[test]
// fn part1_real() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// let d = Day15::init(crate::load_input("15")?)?;
// assert_eq!("388", d.part1()?);
// Ok(())
// }
// #[test]
// fn part2_real() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// let d = Day15::init(crate::load_input("15")?)?;
// assert_eq!("2819", d.part2()?);
// Ok(())
// }